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Mesotherapy is an alternative treatment that helps to cure baldness in both males and females by reducing hair loss, promoting hair growth and slowing male pattern baldness. This is done by injecting in the least painful way, nutrient boosters in the scalp with the help of an injection gun to aid in the nourishing and hydration of the scalp. This also includes initiating cell metabolism, eliminating infections and promoting and accelerating hair growth, improving blood circulation in the scalp and strengthening and reviving the hair follicles to help create dense, voluminous, strong, long and healthy tresses. This is a comparatively faster treatment than its counterparts as it helps to gradually restore hormonal balance and neutralizes the effects of DHT hormone leading to accelerated growth of new hair strands.

The solution injected can contain a wide range of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, nucleic acids and co-enzymes that can be tailored to each patient’s individual needs. Mesotherapy for hair loss is used with great success in Europe and the United States. The treatment is virtually painless and safe when done professionally. There is no dressing or local anaesthesia required. After the treatment you can just go back to work.

Mesotherapy brings just the right materials to the exact place where it is needed (around the hair follicle) so that the hair follicle can grow and survive, the excess of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is neutralised and the blood circulation is stimulated.

Contact Dr.Rk’s Laser Skin Care Centre for Mesotherapy

Dr.RK’s Laser Skin Care Centre is one of the leading clinics for Mesotherapy(Hair/Skin) in the capital city of Kerala ,Trivandrum. It offers hair loss and hair transplant treatment for both men and women. The clinic offers treatment by some of the most experienced surgeons/doctors in Trivandrum. For additional information about Hair Mesotherapy, kindly contact our office in Trivandrum today.

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