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Freckles are small flat brown spots on the skin that are mostly harmless but unappealing for the appearance. They may be caused or increase due to sun exposure as freckles are developed by the ultraviolet rays on the skin. Uncertain spots or pigmented patches should be consulted for by the dermatologist. They can be controlled by certain medications and sunscreen application and can be treated well by certain chemical peels suitable for your condition. Dr. S.Radhakrishnan Nair has been treating skin skillfully for years and for millions giving the patients the gracious appearance they deserve.

Freckles Treatment in Trivandrum

Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Nair only believes in quality treatment. At Dr.RK’s LSCC, one can comfortably revel in receiving visible result giving treatments by the expert dermatologists available at the clinic. Freckles treatment in Thiruvananthapuram at the clinic is provided with the prescription of oral or/and topical medications followed up with sessions of chemical peel depending on the results on you. Application of sunscreen 30spf and above is strictly recommended.

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